Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Santa Pic

J met Santa for the first time today! There was no line and we just walked right up. J did great!!! We even got a smile! What more could we ask for?

J's First Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for, but most of all- we are thankful for baby Jordan. He is our whole world and we love him more than anything else! We are also lucky to have such great family and friends who are so supportive of us.

J's New Trick

Here is a video of J's new trick! We thought it was pretty cool!

J's Laugh

We think J has the cutest laugh! The other night we were trying to put him down for the night and this is what we got!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Jordan's First Snow!

What a crazy week it has been! We had our first snow of the year and the best part was that Matt was home with J and I all week! We took J out for a little walk and I'm not sure he knew what to think of it! Here are some pics of our adventure:

Jordan's First Ferry Ride

Last weekend we made a trip out to Bremerton to see our friends Brian, Sunyoung, and their baby Zach. We made the ferry trip out there with our friends Kate, Mark and their baby Jack. We had a great time. It was so great to see everyone and to have all of the babies together. Here are some pics of our day:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Random Pictures

Since I haven't posted for awhile, I thought I would post twice :) Here are some random photos of J that I took the other day. He was wearing a sweater that Matt's grandma's friend Maragaret made for him. I think he looked pretty cute :)

J's First Haircut

While we were at my parent's house last weekend, my dad and Matt were really wanting to cut J's hair. He had a patch of hair in the back that was starting to look a little rat tail- mulletish, so we got the trimmers out. J did awesome! I think it was harder on me than it was on him. Here is a little video of the haircut. Matt had to touch it up at home afterwards, but it looks much better!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So, I'm a little behind as we have been a little busy!
Here are some pics of J in his costumes on Halloween. He made a very cute skeleton and tiger! We had a very busy day with meeting Great Great Grandma B, having dinner with my dad and brother, and having visitors (my friends- Trisha, Maddy, and Stacy and her boys). It was a very fun day, but by the end of it, J was exhausted!