Saturday, April 23, 2011


Today we celebrated Grandpa Mike's birthday along with his sister's (Dawn Lynn) birthday! We had a great time seeing everyone over lunch and fondue. The weather was perfect on top of everything!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Matt vs. J...

Do you see the resemblance???

Visit with GG Lee

Today my Grandma Lee came over from Allyn, WA for a visit. We went to Coulon Beach Park to eat lunch and back to my parent's for pizza. It was nice to catch up! Here are a few pics from our day:
 Loves to do "Flying Baby" with Uncle Micky!
 Wow, doesn't my mom look like me here?
A generational photo... oops I guess I should have been in this picture! 

Happy Earth Day!

J celebrated Earth Day by wearing his "I'm Green, Are You?" T-shirt. Here is a pic:

Oh, and he learned to clap today!!! Hope to get it on video soon to share with you all!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

J's first trip (of many) to the Woodland Park Zoo

Today we had the opportunity to meet up with our friends, Kate, Jack, Sunyoung, and Zach at the Woodland Park Zoo! It was Jordan and Zach's first time at the Woodland Park Zoo! We had beautiful weather and a great time! We will definitely be spending more time at the zoo since my parents bought me a yearly pass for my birthday! Yeah! Thanks Mom and Dad! Here are some pics from our day:

Monday, April 11, 2011

Playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed...

J was being too cute last night... Lunging after me while crawling on our bed... Here are a few snapshots:

Standing in the bath tub...

J's new thing is that he likes to stand.... EVERYWHERE! Including the bath tub. Not funny, I know, but too cute not to photograph....

Bath time with Daddy

Recently, J took his first bath with his daddy... It didn't go so well, but it didn't help that he was in a mood... J not the dada :)

Cutest baby buns

J gets naked time every night after bath time and I couldn't resist taking pics of his cute little buns! Here are a few of my favs:

Photo shoot...

Right around St. Patrick's Day, J and I had a photo shoot playdate with our friends- Heather and Brecken. Here are a few of the pics that I took.... Had a little trouble figuring out my lens that day, but my subject is too cute not to post :)