Tuesday, July 26, 2011

J Turns 1!!

I cannot believe that my little boy is one year old! It went by so fast and I cannot believe how "grown up" he is! Since this blog is all about him, I thought I would go over his "likes" "dislikes," and things he does/says.
When Dada comes home from work
Balls- he loves to throw them all over the house
Music- loves to dance! and to play music
Sticks- anything with a handle, brooms, etc.
Most food- especially strawberries, mum mums, crackers
Playing in water!
The cat!!
Ketsup....weird, I know
Being told "no"
Things he does:
Basically running- he walks so fast!
Says "mama" "dada" "dog" "hi" "hey" "bye"
Waves to everyone and everything
Climbs the stairs
We love our little boy SO much and could not imagine our lives without him! He truly is an amazing miracle!
Here are some pictures from his party:

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